Craft CMS build for SOFII

Large scale content planning and migration with Craft CMS

2014 - 2015  |  HTML & CSS  |  Craft CMS  |  Content structure and configuration

SOFII is a fascinating archive of content from a charity perspective worldwide.

I was commissioned to develop the third generation of SOFII’s site ( by 1810 Creative. Richard and Kevin worked closely with SOFII for many months meticulously planning the migration of SOFII’s hundreds of articles and case studies to a new, more user friendly platform. Richard came to me with a clear user-focused design, placing emphasis on quality typography and readability across all screen sizes. My brief was to take the design and develop responsive templates, integrated into a best-in-class CMS.

screenshot of sofii case study page
screenshot of sofii search component

With so much longform content, allowing for legacy images and video, but introducing categories and tagging, I recommended that we build the new system from the ground up with Craft CMS – with matrix blocks, a robust image manager in Assets, User Management and Searching all out of the box. The build started in January 2014, and along the way Craft has been updated many times (such as the introduction of categories) with some amazing support from Pixel and Tonic. It was completely the right choice for the job from the moment of installation.

screenshot of sofii latest articles component
screenshot of sofii search component
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