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Product and Services Design, UX and UI for Plyo

Fully featured Design Systems for integrated all-in-one platform

2019 -  |  Product Design  |  UX  |  UI  |  Figma  |  Zeplin

Growth and scaling

As Head of Product Design at Plyo AS for 6 years, I have made significant contributions to company growth in the PropTech space as a complete front-end portal and back-end office management solution in the Scandinavian Real Estate Markets.

Major project and delivery areas

  • Plyo.Work / CRM, Inventory, CMS, Newsletter and Insights Platform Admin tools
  • Plyo.Explore / 3D Property Explorer and home buying experience
  • Plyo.CMS / Frames Admin and front end library kit

Key objectives and role

As part of a small team, we worked with all areas of the business to gain insights, test prototypes and refine specifications.

  • Big Picture thinking and major input on product roadmaps
  • Understand business objectives and how they help define the product
  • Iterate feature and feedback requests, and turn into tangible positive updates
  • Day-to-day management and handoff prioritisation
  • Used knowledge and experience to avoid introducing tech debt

Design System and pattern libraries

We have a Design System, that is flexible enough to iterate on quickly and prototype with, but also act as a detailed reference guide and library for developers to refer and use.

  • UI UX Guides with consistency and scalability
  • Complete design workflows to get accurate designs built and iterated smarter
  • Plan and implementation of Design Spec commits, comments and versioning
  • Understand how to design around APIs and third party tools
  • Major tools used have been Figma, Zeplin and Notion
  • Detailed areas covered include Documentation, Component Management, States, Breakpoints, Iteration Management, Dark/Light/Themes

Further details and screenshots are under NDA for the time being

3D Explore illustative design examples on different screen sizes
Platform illustrative design examples on different screen sizes

Designing for the big picture

My work takes in the complete front-end portal and back-end office management solutions, plus key UX/UI work for the 3D Property Explorer, which is now a priority revenue stream.

3D Explore illustative design examples on different screen sizes
Front end design examples on different screen sizes for Perlen website
National Map Centre Logo